RCA Medical Leadership Board, Business Leadership Board Gather in Texas for Final Meeting of 2021

The RCA Medical Leadership Board (MLB) and Business Leadership Board (BLB) met in Grapevine, Texas on December 3 and 4 for their final quarterly meetings of 2021. The physicians and business leaders discussed many key topics while looking ahead to RCA’s plans for the new year.
On Friday, December 3, the BLB met at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Conference Center to discuss the progress that has been made in the last few months and their practices’ plans for 2022. The business leaders also welcomed guest speaker Amer Kaissi, Ph.D., who shared a presentation on “Resilience in Healthcare Leadership: Key Behaviors for Leaders.”
Dr. Larry Halperin of Retina Group of Florida participates in a discussion with the Medical Leadership Board on Saturday, December 4.
After a dinner for both the BLB and MLB on Friday night, the MLB met on Saturday, December 4. To start this meeting, CEO Robby Grabow presented the RCA MVP Award to Deborah Watts of Palmetto Retina Center (PRC). Dr. Lloyd Clark of PRC joined Grabow for the presentation and spoke about what Deborah’s contributions have meant to their practice. Throughout the day, the physicians had lively discussions about key issues and welcomed several new physicians to the group.
The RCA Medical Leadership Board and Business Leadership Board listen to a guest speaker's presentation on Saturday, December 4.
Since the October MLB/BLB Meeting in San Antonio, Colorado Retina Associates (CRA), Retina Associates of Utah (RAU), and Pacific Northwest Retina (PNWR) joined RCA. At the December meeting, the MLB was pleased to welcome Dr. Alan Kimura (CRA), Dr. Robert Kwun (RAU), Dr. David Saperstein (PNWR), and Dr. Charles Birnbach (PNWR) to its discussions. A total of 14 physicians made the trip to Texas for the meeting, while others joined in by teleconference.
All three of the new practices have been working diligently on their integration efforts since joining RCA, and it was helpful for their physicians and business leaders to share thoughts and ideas with their counterparts from other practices across the country. By meeting together in-person with the large group, the practice leaders were able to gain context regarding the benefits of integration and make additional progress regarding key strategic initiatives such as optimizing vendor relationships, recruiting, and expanding engagement within clinical trials.
RCA now includes more than 160 physicians in 16 states, and the MLB and BLB are planning to meet again in April 2022.